Free & Fit connects with individuals, groups and teams in person and online.
We do this through three core components;
Sports & Spirituality Coaching
Chaplaincy & Community Programs
Retreats & Special Events.
My Channel
My Channel

Lenten Spiritual Practices - Spiritual Journaling

Faith & Fitness as One - Lenten Workouts - Day Seven

Spiritual Practices - Individual & Group Spiritual Direction

Faith & Fitness as One - Easter Workout - Dawn of the Day - Day Thirty Eight

The Free & Fit Challenge has been created to help individuals build relationships in community through our F&F Sports & Spirituality Coaching, Community Group programs and Retreats & Special Events.
Each component of our program helps our clients to build a better Physical, Spiritual, Mental, Emotional & Social awareness. Through our unique blend of Christian Foundations, Sports, Community Focus and Health & Fitness we help people to nurture and establish personal vocational and life goals as they become Free & Fit.

Free & Fit UK has been established in London since May 2013. Formerly known as Faith & Fitness, F&F London operates out of central London where the group meet one to one, as a group and in less formal settings.

Free & Fit USA has been established since January 2017. Based in New York City and New Jersey F&F NYC mission is to reduce loneliness through Sports, the Arts, Outreach & Service. Youth & Adult Programs Available.

F&F Outreach & Online
Free & Fit Outreach & Online is a brand new initiative available to our clients around the world. Co-ordinated by our founder Tim Cheux join our US and UK chapters from the comfort of your own location. Independent and Training Options available.

Maria shares her experience of the F&F Community:
My life is happier, I love being healthy and I have gained new friends. I love assisting every week, making good friends and being healthy by playing sport!
Navid shares his experience of the F&F Community:
The ethos of this group; combining the physical exercises with spiritual growth and prayers, has provided me with a focused and clear context to find freedom in the city through my faith.
Paula shares her experience of the F&F Community:
The passion to see people flourish, connected and deepened in their faith is beautiful. Come & Join! You will be blessed!

Charlie shares his experience of the F&F Community:
The physical aspect along with the fellowship helped physical fitness, mental functioning, spiritual health and helped to bond relationships with other group members.