Free & Fit London Update
During the summer months Free and Fit London continued to meet playing tennis in South and West London. In July four of our team met, they discussed the issue of Freedom in Loyalty, played tennis and enjoyed fellowship together. In August our team ventured to West London where they met, played tennis, shared fellowship time together and prayed as a team.
Outside of our usual events this month we met together in London and celebrated John Colquhoun's birthday in South West London.

John will be hiking and walking the same route as King Leonides and his 300 Spartan Body Guards held off the enemy until their death. John is raising money for Talking2Minds a charity dedicated to eradicating post traumatic stress and other stress related conditions being experienced by former military, emergency service personnel and civilians alike. You can give to John here through his "virgin money giving page" below.
Sadly Charlie Richards, one of regular attenders, has sustained an injury whist playing cricket down in Dorset. Please do pray for Charlie as he recovers and begins the next steps to return to playing sport and attending our events. Free and Fit London next meet on Tuesday 19th September 2017 to play tennis, run and discuss the issue of finding freedom in the unknown. Please contact Roger Phillips on 07799692493.