Free & Fit NYC, London & Youth - Academic Year 2018 -2019 in Review - Interview with Founder
Free & Fit NYC, London & Youth - Academic Year 2018 -2019 in Review - by Founder Tim Cheux

Share the Miracle Campaign at Closter Plaza
Where were you at the start of the academic year personally in Ministry?
Similar to other seasons this past Fall I was coaching soccer in New Jersey across Middle School and Senior High youth level. Alongside my role as a Youth Director in New Jersey this year saw me start as a first year student on the Masters of Divinity program at General Theological Seminary in New York City.

Spiritual Direction class at General Theological Seminary in New York City
What have you achieved this past year?
As part of my vocational studies and formation this past year I have been able to learn about the relationship between Sport & Spirituality and the benefits of reciting scripture, whilst embracing spiritual practices through meditation and playing or participating in Sport. This led to a 40 Day Lenten Study whilst Planking, Praying and Reciting Psalms through Sport and Spirituality plus new Workout & Worship Sessions in New York City.

Psalm, Planks and Prayers as part of a Lenten Study on Scripture, Reason & Tradition
The Psalms, Planks and Prayers study originates from the writing of Richard Hooker the Anglican theologian who taught about Scripture, Reason and Tradition. However, through further reading the practice of Spiritual Experiences from Charles Wesley led me to explore scripture with reason, tradition and a sports experience. This led to a further study on Worship and Workout practices.

Workout & Worship Session in New York City
Finally, as part of my seminary education I have had various speaking engagements as a Seminarian, Youth and Campus Pastor in the wider New York City Metro Area.

Speaking at Calvary Episcopal Church
This including partnering with the Community Church in Harrington Park, Calvary Episcopal Church, Remnant Presbyterian Church and New York University. As I preached, taught, discipled amc mentored youth, young adult amd students we widened our network and connected with 100’s of new people scross New York City..

Campus Pastor at NYU University

Speaking at Harrington park Community Church
Does the Free & Fit London community still exist?
Yes it does. We have had different people attending for Squash and dinner events across the city this past year. Plus we are starting table tennis events in London plus our UK retreat in July will be happening in Hertfordshire, just outside of London. We continue to meet at the Seymour Leisure Centre for our monthly meet ups and our Spiritual home for the last six years.

Free and Fit London Team at Seymour Leisure Centre
We continue to grow and expand across all of our three locations with an average of 7-8 youth members in our Jersey project, 7-8 members at our New York monthly meet ups and 7-8 members at our London dinner and social events. With new plans and events happening we continually pray for new guests and have sold out both our UK and US retreats happening this summer.
Have you established any resources or a Mission and Vision for Free & Fit?
Yes! At the end of 2017 we completed our twelve part blog, video and one page document entitled the Free & Fit Challenge. This resource has been developed to be used used as part 12 session program. I trained and offered these resources via a forty day and forty verse workout in Lent working through the entire chapter of Romans twelve. Exercising each day with a workout routine alongside a verse from Romans 12. Secondly, a thirty one day Challenge in May 2017 on the Beatitudes in Matthew five verses one through thirteen with sport and scripture. Then finally, a thirty day Challenge in June on the Fruit of the Spirit and Galatians 5:22-23 focusing on each fruit, completing thirty sets of specific workout reps and praying and meditating over the scripture.
The Free & Fit Challenge 2018, Free & Fit Advent Challenge 2019 and Free & Fit Lenten Series will be available for study before Christmas 2019 and in time for Lent and Advent of 2020. What is the Free & Fit Challenge?What is the Free & Fit Challenge?
The Free and Fit course has been created to build strong social skills, charge healthy physical bodies and to instil a well balanced and sound mind. Participants who complete the full course over 12 sessions will learn how to work effectively with their team members to build strong values of power, love, and self discipline.

Online Worship and Workout Sessions available on the Free & Fit Youtube Channel
What is the Free & Fit Mission? The Free and Fit mission is to reduce loneliness through Sports, the Arts, Social Justice and Service. What is the Free & Fit Vision? The vision of the Free and Fit community is to engage, motivate, improve and hence find freedom in a physical and spiritual state. As such the freedom that leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body. The course is built upon the core value of
What have you accomplished as part of the Free & Fit Youth Group? In September in the United States we were continuing our Youth project in Harrington Park, Old Tappan and Norwood with Middle School and Senior High students. Our new initiative this year was to incorporate building community around Social Justice and Service alongside Sports and the Arts. This involved working with a number of local non profit charities, Churches and local community service organisations to put on events and raise awareness of Social Justice issues such as Human Trafficking, Slavery, Poverty, Homelessness and Education for All.

Jersey Cares Winter Coat Drive in Harrington Park

Puerto Rico Mission Trip with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Our Youth group doubled in size with the introduction of Middle School to the project from an average of 3 or 4 different youth members to 7 or 8 at our monthly meetings. Highlights in this years program included a Mission Trip to Puerta Rico with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, our first A21 Sponsored walk in Harrington Park to raise awareness of Human Trafficking, Sponsorship our first Compassion Child, Winter Coat Drive with Jersey Cares, Food Drive with the Centre for Food Action and the Homeless Hoboken Shelter and a “Share the Miracle” campaign of donating free Chocolate Easter Eggs to over 500 Students from NYU, members of the Hoboken Homeless Shelter and staff and patients at the Hoboken Hospital.

A21 Harrington Park Walk for Freedom

Easter Sunday at the Hoboken Homeless Shelter Sharing the Miracle of Chocolate!
The Free and Fit New York, London and Youth groups meets regularly and event details can be found on the Free and Fit events tabs.
For more details you can follow us on Twitter or Instagram as @freeandfitnyc, email to find out more about what is happening or you can phone us on 1-201-774-4133 for more information
Love and Blessings F&F Team. Join Tim at Free and Fit events by signing up to our events online at our website below. Free & Fit Website: Free & Fit Youtube: Facebook: Twitter&Instagram: @freeandfitnyc Email: Freedom // Fitness // Fellowship Free & Fit Challenge © Copyright 2019 Free & Fit NYC/NJ © Copyright 2019 Free & Fit London © Copyright 2019
project in New Jersey