Free & Fit NYC - Exercise Participation In Online Sessions - Release & Waiver
Free & Fit NYC - Exercise Participation In Online Sessions - Release & Waiver

Please note all Free & Fit sessions are VOLUNTARY, participants willingly take part with their own RISK. Tim Chew and Free and Fit take no responsibility for the RISK of injury, illness, infirmity, side affects, death, adverse side impact or negative responses to these sessions. Please acknowledge that by participating in our online classes you are actively agreeing to the terms of this the waiver and release "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC" from any legal obligation for my participation, subsequent responses and any responsibility of my participation.
All participants take part at their own risk. Our sessions are only guided, not specialized to individuals. Our workouts, movements and exercise classes should all be known as VOLUNTARY participants. All those watching should be taking their own precautions with necessary attention drawn to their injury history, health, doctors advice, seeking instructional recovery and any ongoing health concerns. We will also being adding these comments to all our mediums and social media. Please read the full release and waiver below.
We hope you continue enjoy our resources, but in doing so that all sessions are voluntary and that participates by taking part at your own risk. Love & Blessings F&F Team
Release & Waiver of Liability for all Online and Group Classes In consideration of participating in the Sports activity and event hosted by "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC", I represent that I understand the nature of this Activity and that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the Activity. I fully understand that this Activity involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inaction, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the "Releases" named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC", their respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the "Releases" herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the Releases or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releases, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the Releases from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim. As an applicant for participation in the sport and/or recreational activity offered by "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC"(the "Individuals"), I am aware that the "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC" does not provide medical insurance in such sport and/or recreational activity. In the event of an emergency, I hereby grant "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC" to give whatever immediate treatment is necessary and/or take my self/child to a hospital emergency room. Permission is hereby granted to utilize photos and video taken at "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC" Sport and/or recreational Activity as promotional materials. I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature, and intend it be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. Please acknowledge that by participating in our online classes you are actively agreeing to the terms of this the waiver and release "Timothy Chew", "Elizabeth Cucco", "Free & Fit NYC" and "Free and Fit NYC" from any legal obligation for my participation, subsequent responses and any responsibility of my participation.
Thank you for reading and agreeing to these terms.
Love & Blessings F&F Team
Please email any questions to:
Join Tim at Free and Fit events by signing up to our events online here at our website
About the Free & Fit Challenge
The Free and Fit course has been created to build strong social skills, charge healthy physical bodies and to instil a well balanced and sound mind. Participants who complete the full course over 12 sessions will learn how to work effectively with their team members to build strong values of power, love, and self discipline.
Free & Fit Mission
To reduce loneliness through Sports, the Arts, Social Justice and Service. Free & Fit Vision The vision of free and fit course is to engage, motivate, improve and hence find freedom in a physical and spiritual state. As such the freedom that leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body. The course is built upon the core value of learning together to be disciplined and motivated in our faith as well as our fitness.
Free & Fit Website:
Twitter&Instagram: @freeandfitnyc
Freedom // Fitness // Fellowship
Free & Fit Challenge © Copyright 2020
Free & Fit NYC/NJ © Copyright 2020
Free & Fit London © Copyright 2020