Free & Fit -Summer with the Psalms - August 28th Wednesday Psalm 28
Summer with the Psalms
August 28th Wednesday Psalm 28

Opening Prayer
Today as we interact with those around us let us set an example of Gods Love for those who see us by making someone else a cup of tea, saying hello to a stranger or praying for a neighbour and bringing kindness into our world. Through sharing Gods love we can overcome all difficulty and be assured of our eternal life in heaven in Jesus name. Amen
Let us Pray…
Father thank you for today, for granting us air to breathe and to be alive today. Help us to step into what you are calling us into for the day ahead and help us to identify your will for our lives and those we serve in Jesus name. Amen
Memory Verse
“But I have cried out to You, O Lord, for help; And in the morning my prayer will come to You.”
Psalms 88:13 AMP
Psalm 88 in full:
Prayer & Reflection
The battles we face today are real and they come thick and fast. We need to stand firm, not be silent about our struggles, seek help from above and not be proud to approach the God who saves us, redeems us and loves us.
So rather than remain silent, not speak to our God, or ignore our fellow Brothers and Sisters of the Faith we must embrace the battles we face with boldness and fix our eyes upon Jesus in our communities and those around the world. Let us get back in contact with old friends, pick up old relationships, read devotionals and renew our prayer life with the Lord.
Wherever you are in your faith today, be reminded you are never alone and Jesus loves you. Today God wants you to sleep well, rise well and have confidence for the day ahead for all that you will encounter. So do not struggle alone, call, text and pray with a friend or neighbour.
Even if you have the courage and boldness to pray for a stranger who does not yet know the Lord. Do not forget your Brothers and Sisters who do know the Lird and may need a little bit of encouragement. Lets us all be bold on helping one another, both christian and non Christian, friend and enemy, neighbour and stranger, to encourage and be encouraged in Jesus name. Amen
Let us Pray…
Father thank you for making space for us, for helping us find you in the mediocre and the mundane. Thank you for reminding us to build a strong prayer life with you, with those whom also love you, for those who don’t know you and help all us love you more through deeper prayer and stronger connections in Jesus name. Amen
“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26 NLT
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The mission of Free & Fit is to share the Love of Jesus through serving the community in Sports, the Arts, Outreach & Service.
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The vision of free and fit is to engage, motivate, improve and help members find freedom in physical and spiritual ways.We believe physical freedom leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body and an all round healthy state of spiritual well being.
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