Free & Fit - Edifying Ecclesiastes Reflections Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd November 2024 Ecclesiastes 9 & 10 Reflections
Edifying Ecclesiastes Reflections
Saturday & Sunday 2nd & 3rd November 2024
Ecclesiastes 9 & 10 Reflections

“Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 NLT
Ecclesiastes 9 in full:
You can identify fools just by the way they walk down the street!
Ecclesiastes 10:3 NLT
Ecclesiastes 10 in full:
An expectation is different to a Christian teaching. A command from Christ is different to a tradition or ritual. A Christian lifestyle is radically different to a worldview. If you believe in Jesus Christ. That he was born, died and rose again. You believe in the impossible. The absolutely impossible victory of Christ dying on the Cross and being born again. We believe in life overcoming of death so we may all receive eternal life. It is a belief that involves faith, hope and trials. Many trials. Yet, we are all called to believe in the unseen, to trust Christ and to pray at all times.
“People can never predict when hard times might come. Like fish in a net or birds in a trap, people are caught by sudden tragedy.”
Ecclesiastes 9:12 NLT
Living in the Peace of Christ which surpasses all understanding. The human understanding which is so often the way of the world, which is absent and contrary to a faith in Jesus Christ must be overcome and it is necessary for us to believe that Christ overcomes all things. The very absence of certainty, the reality of Jesus defeating death a d bring hope for all humanity defines our ability to trust in Christ’s Peace despite what the world may present to us.
“If your boss is angry at you, don’t quit! A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes.”
Ecclesiastes 10:4 NLT
The Bible teaches us plainly the expectations of an elder. What should be attributed to a person who holds rank or authority in Christian leadership. This process is a cleansing of behaviors, personality and lifestyles. However, the opposite is also true. That is such values, expectations or lifestyle choices were not chosen and malpractice was taking place instead a specific response should take place. Both internally and externally. As christians we are called to live beyond reproach; in life, in leadership and an example of Christs ambassadors.
“A wise person chooses the right road; a fool takes the wrong one.
Ecclesiastes 10:2 NLT
Therefore, we must question everything and trust always. A tough, perhaps and confusing teaching. If perhaps you are accused of a said immortal or rebellious behavior then a said punishment would be applied. Yet, if only Christ knows of your act then even more burden and pain will be placed upon you. Sin is to tough a burden to bear. Repentance, forgiveness of sin and Christs amazing grace should be our portion.
Wherever you find yourself today, whatever maybe going on in your life or the battles you are facing always be aware that Jesus loves you. That no matter how far you fall. No matter where you maybe in context to your desired dream job or goal. Christ is with you. Christ is for you and not against you in Jesus name. Amen
Let us Pray…
Father wherever we land, whatever we have done or when ever we turn in the wrong direction please return us back to you. To trust you, to live you and to obey Christ in all things. Help us to be obedient, to be patient and to wait upon your Holy Spirit to speak, reveal and redeem us all in Jesus name. Amen
“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26 NLT
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