Free & Fit - Faith & Fitness as One Curriculum - Blog Post - Session 4 - Exercise, Educate & Examen
Free & Fit - Faith & Fitness as One Curriculum - Blog Post - Session 4 - Exercise, Educate & Examen

Free & Fit Exercise, Educate & Examen
Relevant Scripture Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].”
The process of completing the Daily Examen as instructed by Saint Ignatius provides a natural way to review or end your day. As we navigate through our daily battles we learn that it’s not easy being Christian in a world which sells us Sin. Whether it’s digitally, nutritionally or emotionally somehow the process by which our traditional health measurements don’t identify with the modern problems we face today. This is why exercising, examining ourselves and educating ourselves about where we fall short it helps us to overcome our personal health problems.
As you review your day you attempt to find space where you saw God. This can be made easier whilst walking, jogging or running as we can begin to experience the outdoor environment of Gods creation which can help you draw closer to God. It helps me anyway! Also, as you explore areas where you find positivity as you recall your day and establish the good events of the day God will become even more present in your reflections.
As it becomes more difficult and the exploration around seeking forgiveness and where God can help you grow in how you can make tomorrow better I believe we begin to the see reconciliation of our relationship to God. That as we exercise, examen and educate ourselves we become more and more like Jesus as we reflect, respond and revive our communication with the Lord.
What is so important about the Examen is that it is not meant to be a religious practice, but a super natural experience and return back to God. The Examen, if used correctly, provides open dialogue with God even when we feel far from the creator of the Universe. So as we seek God through personal examination, exercise and education we can begin once more again to trust in his promises and not lean on our own understanding in Jesus name. Amen
Love & Blessings F&F Team
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