Free & Fit - Falling in Love with the Psalms - Friday 27th September Psalm 27
Falling in Love with the Psalms
Friday 27th September Psalm 27

Opening Prayer
Father God attend to our world, preserve our planet and protect our people. Bring light out of darkness, dryness out of storms and recovery out of despair. Lord you bring light and salvation to all and we ask that you can bring an even greater response to us in this moment of need more than ever we need you now Jesus. In your name we pray, in Jesus name, Amen.
Memory Verse
“It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.”
Psalms 127:2 NLT
Psalm in full:
As we seek to recover from the Hurricane Helene it draws us to a need for immediate and urgent response. The process of being hit by lightning, struck down by a tree or a beam broken through the middle of your house is a form of what we call a natural disaster.
How can we seek a supernatural response to this kind of catastrophe. This is the question we have to ask ourselves, of God and of course of our neighborhood the Church.
As a Church, as Christians and as people how can we respond? My first response was a text message from a friend checking in on me, another was an email about a disaster response team and then that prompted me to respond. To realize I needed to check in on others, to seek if they were okay and to make sure friends and family were safe.
It’s not always an immediate response, sometimes it takes two or three responses and a kick up the touché to get your self into gear! It’s ok. We just have to make sure we response. Rebuild, restore and repair us O Lord, on the ground, in the storm, in our hearts and in our hands as we go to greet each and everyone we meet. We love you and thank you Jesus so much!
Prayer for Today
Father God surround us with your love, cover us by the blood of the Lamb and bring hope to all
the hurting, all the struggling, all those without homes, all those without water, all those without power and all the people in need right now in Jesus name. Amen
“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26 NLT
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The vision of free and fit is to engage, motivate, improve and help members find freedom in physical and spiritual ways.We believe physical freedom leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body and an all round healthy state of spiritual well being.
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