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Free & Fit - Free & Fit Advent Challenge Day 6 - Proverbial Prayers & Planks - Advent Devotions from Proverbs with a Word, Proverb & Exercise Everyday - Friday 6th December 2025 12/6/2024

Free & Fit Advent Challenge Day 6- Proverbial Prayers & Planks - Advent Devotions from Proverbs with a Word, Proverb & Exercise Everyday - Friday 6th December 2025 12/6/2024

Spotlight Feature on our London lead Navid Mehreganian

Our Word for today December 6th is Beware

Yes Beware of those who may not know God, who may not follow God and who may not seek to follow His Ways and His Righteousness. Be on Guard to protect your Heart, Body, Soul and Spirit in Jesus name. Amen

Today’s Proverb is from Proverbs 6 verse One it says this "My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger."

In the Amplified it translates more clearly into what battles we face in everyday life: “My son, if you have become surety (guaranteed a debt or obligation) for your neighbor, If you have given your pledge for [the debt of] a stranger or another [outside your family],” Proverbs‬ ‭6‬:‭1‬ ‭AMP‬‬

We must follow the way of the Good Samaritan and settle our problems and concerns. Whether physical, mental, social or spiritual with those we are indebted to and ultimately reconcile with God as to Love God and Love our Neighbour as ourselves.

Today’s movement is a new exercise for me which is Seated Leg Raises - this works on your Lower-body exercise and is set to target your legs and improve flexibility. As you get older like me, this is a great one to introduce to your daily and routine workouts. We have reached eighteen sets of this rep which was included in today’s introduction video and HIIT.

Full Chapter:

Full Reflection & Prayer by Nav Merghan:

Freedom in Finance from the Free & Fit Challenge Free and Fit: Finance 14/11/2016

By Navid Mehreganian and adapted from Dewey (1916), Rogers (1969), Rigengbergand Gumble (2016).

Testimony on Finance

1. Introduction

Living in Big cities like London is a challenging life. We often worry about paying bills, mortgage, rent, children’s welfare, etc. Moreover, with our country’s facing Brexit we are more concerned about our financial situations and economy of upcoming years.

We also hear the religious pastors preaching for giving. The matter of financial freedom, in my opinion, is on two aspects: (i) financial freedom from worrying about money in the time of financial troubles, (ii) giving generously and gain freedom from greed.

1- Freedom from Financial troubles

According to Maslow, humans motivate through a hierarchy of needs, the basics of which is the need for physiological (physical requirements for survival, e.g. food or shelter), safety (personal and financial security).

Freedom from finance does not indicate to quit our job, work less, or save money to the extent of worship. God wants us to be free from worrying over the financial troubles. He wants us to be free from bondage to greed and depth. The first thing we can do when we face a financial trouble is to talk to God about it. Trust that He is in control. Take every opportunity that God gives you, be persistent and never give up. We are simply called to do the best we can with what we have.

2- Freedom from Greed

We cannot serve The Almighty and Almighty Dollar at the same time. 16 parables of Jesus are about money: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. The belongings of our reassure to this world will lead our heart to belong to this world and not focused on God. When we consider our possessions to be a gift from God, whereby we can manage our finances to prosper, it will be more convenient to spend it wisely while considering the social justice to help the poor.

Greed leads to being enslaved to money, as it works by love for self, a deceitful lie that is appealed to us. The deception of love for oneself enslaves both the rich and the poor: “as soon as I get my business on its feet, I will have more time for my God and my family”.  “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." (Matthew 19:24)

Give as God asks you to give. Paul writes, ‘and God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work’ (2 Corinthians 9:8). Giving does not mean handing over financial responsibility to God – but it does mean handing over the worry and the burden of it. (BIOY, day 250)

Scripture Reflections

1Timothy 6:10-11 “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.  But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.”

Footnote: Money isn’t ours in the sense that we are entitled to it, it is a gift of God. God bestows it upon us to manage it.

Philippians 4:19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”

Footnote: How do we seek to manage our finances in the Godly way?

Proverbs 6: 1 Today’s verse: "My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, if you have shaken hands in pledge for a stranger."

Proverbs 6 reminds us to master our finances. In this way, we self- discipline our lives and will not fall in the financial snares (debt, unwise investments). When we have got ourselves into a financial snare, we should do everything to free ourselves from it (Proverbs 6:1-5).

Malachi 3:10

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.”

Luke 16:11

“And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?”

Closing Prayer & Reflection

Questions to be asked at the end of the Session

Why is this topic important? What does this mean to us/me? How can we challenge ourselves with the verses we heard during the exercises?

Time of Prayer and Reflection “Think about a time of thanksgiving and outward reflection. Simply praise reports and prayer requests.

“The answer to our prayers may not be in our words, but in our obedience to trust God and to allow the Holy Spirit to work on our behalf. Through trusting God, being willing to wait on the Holy Spirit and let Jesus intercede on our behalf to the Father we can in faith, hope and love be assured of our prayers being heard by God in Jesus name. Amen

Let us Pray…

Father please help us in our inability to trust, understand or to know what to say in prayer, but please help us instead to be obedient to you, to listen to your still small voice and trust your Holy Spirit all in Jesus name. Amen.”



1.  Dewey, J. (1916) Democracy and Education. New York: MacMillan.

2.Rogers, C. R. (1969) Freedom to Learn: A view of what education might become. Columbus, OH: Merrill Publishing. p. 3.

3. HTB, Bible In the One Year, (day 38,168, 218,2016)

4. Ringenberg, William C. (Accessed 2016, London Online at South Kensington), The Christian College and the Meaning of Academic Freedom, Palgrave Macmillan

5. Cheux, TJ. (2024) 2 Timothy scripture devotional for Free & Fit daily devotions in November 2024.

“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:26‬ ‭NLT‬‬

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The vision of free and fit is to engage, motivate, improve and help members find freedom in physical and spiritual ways.We believe physical freedom leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body and an all round healthy state of spiritual well being.

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