Free & Fit- Summer with Psalms - Sunday 25th August Psalm 85
Summer with Psalms
Sunday 25th August Psalm 85
Opening Prayer
Help us seek peace and pursue it O Lord, let us bring peace and righteousness into our thoughts , our actions and our behaviors. Bring Purity, Holiness and upstanding Godly characteristics into our persons so we can represent you O Lord as your hands and feet in Jesus name.
“I will hear [with expectant hope] what God the Lord will say, For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones— But let them not turn again to folly. Surely His salvation is near to those who [reverently] fear Him [and obey Him with submissive wonder], That glory [the manifest presence of God] may dwell in our land.” Psalm 85:8-9
Psalm in Full:
Prayer & Reflection
My wife, Liza Cucco, used to run the Hackney Foodbank in East London. I served as a volunteer for over three years with her in supporting food drives, moving food, sorting food and volunteering on weekends when possible. The Christmas and Easter periods were peak times in the year when food drives, needs from those in crises and the supply of food was increased. However, during the current climate, after the CoVid pandemic, the need for food is beyond any crises she or I witnessed. Its in the name. Its a pandemic.
The current economic crises and high inflation on all our food prices draws us to a crises for us in real time where families, parents and guardians who are usually living pay check to pay check, find themselves in poverty, without work and having to give up their accommodation, resettle with parents and find ways around the ongoing issues. We need Jesus in this moment.
“Steadfast love and truth and faithfulness meet together; Righteousness and peace kiss each other. Psalm 85:10”
The bottom line is if there is food on the table, shelter over their head and enough to eat for every one in the family then the process of getting from day to day has been achieved. Yet, the problem is this is not going to be manageable, its going to be month to month and the life we once knew is gone. The money we once earned has gone and the West will look very different according to every pessimistic news article you read. Let’s look instead to scripture.
“Truth springs from the earth, And righteousness looks down from heaven. Psalm 85:11.”
In todays Psalm and in the opening verse we read of “God speaking Peace to his people” and we are called to be submissive to the Lord and peacemakers, whom if they sow in peace are righteousness will receive a crown of honor and glory. The disputes between timelines, death counts and fatalities continued to circle our news streams during Covid. Today it’s inflation.
“Indeed, the Lord will give what is good, And our land will yield its produce. Psalm 85:12.”
At this moment we need to pause, reflect and pray. At times we say we pray, but now more that ever the Church is called to pray. Lets pray, pray and pray. Volunteering, watching the news and standing up will come a position of prayer, not fear. Let’s pray, not fear today. Stay deep in the word, meditate on it and do not stray from it! Stay with God today, forever and always in Jesus name. Amen! Hallelujah!
Father God we need you right now in recent history we have experienced so much peace that we may have even become immune to it. Now with so much anger and hatred in the world we need you more and more right now. Help us to be humbled and overcome evil with good in Jesus name. Amen
“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26 NLT
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