Free & Fit - Summer with the Psalms - Psalm 45 Monday 15th July
Summer with the Psalms
Psalm 45 Monday 15th July

“My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the king; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. You are the most excellent of men and your lips have been anointed with grace, since God has blessed you forever. Gird your sword on your side, you mighty one; clothe yourself with splendor and majesty. In your majesty ride forth victoriously in the cause of truth, humility and justice; let your right hand achieve awesome deeds. Let your sharp arrows pierce the hearts of the king’s enemies; let the nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by anointing you with the oil of joy. All your robes are fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia; from palaces adorned with ivory the music of the strings makes you glad. Daughters of kings are among your honored women; at your right hand is the royal bride in gold of Ophir. Listen, daughter, and pay careful attention: Forget your people and your father’s house. Let the king be enthralled by your beauty; honor him, for he is your Lord. The city of Tyre will come with a gift, people of wealth will seek your favor. All glorious is the princess within her chamber; her gown is interwoven with gold. In embroidered garments she is led to the king; her virgin companions follow her— those brought to be with her. Led in with joy and gladness, they enter the palace of the king. Your sons will take the place of your fathers; you will make them princes throughout the land.”
Psalms 45:1-16 NIV
Psalm with Reflection
Do you consider Jesus your King? Do you offer him all of your riches, your highest honor and all that you have? This is what the Psalmist is requesting for the Bride, we the Church, to do for its bridegroom Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
The questions we hold deeply in our hearts about who God really are a reflection of what we are not willing to let go of. Profoundly the very merits to which we hold against somebody are the markers by which we build boundaries around how far we are willing to travel.
As we seek to build a relationship with Jesus we must be sure that we don’t set human limitations upon him, the restrictions we place on God and his creation, other people, can forfeit us our very own breakthrough. Let us be a generous peace loving people who profoundly offer the same love we seek to receive.
Father God in a culture where the currency of hate sells newspapers, help us to be a people of love who sow peace and seek reconcilliation. Help us to follow your will, your ways and your example in all we do. Please instruct, guide and council us through the power of your Holy Spirit in Jesus name. Amen
“So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord.”
Lamentations 3:26 NLT
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