This page is dedicated to the story of Free & Fit and how a group of friends started a small group in London to build a Sports Ministry and wider mission to build community through Sports, Service, the Arts & Outreach.
"It was a real blessing to have been part of the run, the sun, the prayers- and of course the lovely group."
— Colby Hanks, Faith & Fitness May 2013
"Thank you so much Tim for organizing a bible study with Table Teniis and other sports. Samuel really enjoyed it."
— Abi Angelica, Faith & Fitness February 2014
"Tim can't wait to see you guys again on Monday, looking forward to spending time with Jesus and all our wonderful Friendships, Thanks again."
— Jason William Bergh, Faith & Fitness May 2015
"Nice one .. Glad to see your keeping the torch burning bright."
— Paul Cater, Free & Fit May