Free & Fit Challenge 2018 - January - Boldness
Free & Fit Challenge 2018 - January - Boldness by Free & Fit Founder Tim Cheux

January is a month when people make bold statements; new diet plans, new exercise regimes, move house, change job and of course reinvent and introduce the infamous NEW YOU!
Whats new about me? The one thing I have to confess I did this month is that I did start new Instagram live videos! Interested? Check them out @freeandfitnyc

In all seriousness, for me January is a reflective month, a chance to a look at what the previous year was about, what would I like to achieve this year and how would I like to make small, but incremental, changes to my life. Hence me only now launching our new Free & Fit Challenge for 2018. It takes time to dream, create a vision and breath new life into our evolving Free and Fit challenge program.
Therefore, my boldness isn’t necessarily in big bold statements about what I changed in January, but what I would like to change moving forward in 2018.
Dont get me wrong, as I participate in the start of the new Free & Fit Challenge 2018 there wont be a month that passes by where I dont try and improve my diet, exercise routine and / or personal habits. Just making a dramatic statement overnight from December 31st 2017 to January 1st 2018 wont be the difference, it takes time, commitment, hard work, failure, perseverance, prayer, patience and above all the ability to stick to your goals even when everyone else around you seems to think it doesnt make any sense!
Heres the thing, writing a song, creating art work, launching a business or working independently are all very difficult things to do. Its hard, lonely and often very difficult to find fulfillment in doing these things. What you define as success really can determine your mood, efficiency and productivity. Psalm 13 brings my struggles to life in scripture, David is crying out to God and asking him for help. David literally cries out in long? How long must I wait? He seeks restoration, recharging and refocusing on his main goal, to worship and to praise his creator. Rather than me commentate. I will let you read it for yourself.
How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death, and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him, ” and my foes will rejoice when I fall. But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me.
As I prepare to launch Free & Fit as a commercial entity in 2018 it becomes even more and more harder to believe, achieve and stick to the goals for the year ahead. Dont get me wrong I love serving this amazing community. Already this month we have seen lives impacted, testimonies shared, sports games take place and various different events in youth and adult projects happening in London, New York and New Jersey. Yet the objective to be a self sufficient organisation continues to be the ultimate goal.

This reminds me of the Apostle Paul and the book of Acts. Specifically in Acts 28 versus 31 to 32. It talks about how Paul, through the power of the Holy Spirit, speaks in boldness without hinderance.
For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without
As a team of writers on the Free & Fit curriculum for 2018 we have discussed in principle this year to write a one page document, blog and explanation of each of our topics for the 12 part series to look at the 9 Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 and the three elements of Joshua 1:9 being Bold, Strong and Courageous.
In more detail; this looks like this:
Fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 Love (Greek: agape, Latin: caritas) Joy (Greek: chara, Latin: gaudium) Peace (Greek: eirene, Latin: pax) Patience (Greek: makrothumia, Latin: longanimitas) Kindness (Greek: chrestotes, Latin: benignitas) Goodness (Greek: agathosune, Latin: bonitas) Faithfulness (Greek: pistis, Latin: fides) Gentleness (Greek: prautes, Latin: modestia) Self-control (Greek: egkrateia, Latin:continentia Joshua 1:9
Bold Greek Tolmiros Latin Audax Strong Greek Ischyros Latin Fortis Courageous Greek Tharrelous Latin Animo
Please look out for more blog posts as and when they get released. We are also interested in people joining our writing team; please email if you are interested.
At the start of this month I had the privilege of seeing friends and family back in the UK allowing me to be refreshed, recharged and ready for the new year in New York. The fruit of these relationships and experiences are immeasurable and again this was proven through our chats, coffees, workouts, catchup, dinners and worship events that we experienced over the two week period Liza and I had in early January.

In 2018 Free & Fit London continues with new Saturday night social meet ups andmonthly sports meeting in collaboration with other sports ministry groups. You can find details about these events on our new website and F & F London section.
The Free & Fit Challenge 2017 will also be introduced to the Free & Fit NYC community and the Free & Fit Youth community. Again check these out on our website. Our Free & Fit New York team meet every Tuedday night at the Gem Hotel in Cheldea at 6:30pm and our Free & Fit Youth meet every second and fourth Sunday at 12:30 for Youth Alpha.
The Free & Fit Challenge 2017 is now fully available online and we encourage you to use it with friends, family and work colleagues when working out, playing racquet sports, running, team sports, spinning or even just walking the dog. Be bold, be strong and be courageous in 2018!

Timothy James Chew Founder of Free & Fit NYC Teacher, Coach, Pastor, Sales & Event Organizer
Cell: +1201-774-4133
Twitter &Instagram: @freeandfitnyc