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Free & Fit November Reflection - Are you ready? By Tim Cheux

Free & Fit November Reflection

November - Are you ready?

As we approach the month of November our minds can not help but be distracted by the constant narrative within the media of War. In our recent human history peace has been the order of the day, with a common goal of seeking to preserve world peace and to allow free trade between different countries without disruption. It seems like for the first time in our recent modern history some of our common freedoms maybe under attack. It’s a real perspective change and as we approach the season of Advent it reminds me of the constant threat that we must all be prepared for. The second coming of Jesus Christ.

In our seasonal Christmas traditions we celebrate the Babe in a crib, recite Isaiah 9:6 and develop a Christmas wish list from which our fellow family or friend can purchase off our gift list. Without sounding rude or at all nostalgic, we have missed the point and we must focus on the one who came, the one who became flesh incarnate and sacrificed it all for humanity to save the lost. When he comes back next time, it won’t be quite the same.

We have a choice to make today and everyday to not determine if we are living in the end times or if we are at the end of our days, but that we must live for Jesus Christ. That Humanity must be ready to prepare themselves for the inevitable judgement and accountability that comes with our own decisions and how we have lived our lives here on planet earth. This is not just in terms of society, oh dont get me wrong this is important, but how we have we individually matters now. How have we individually represented Christ, witnessed his love and lived out the Gospel.

In order to truly proclaim Jesus at the "Wonderful counselor", we must seek his council and pursue heaven in prayer, worship and adoration. The difference between "A Mighty God" and a Mighty news headline, is the reality of the immediate situation and eternal life. The difference between Human Father and the Father of All Creation is the Everlasting identity of God. The role of God is to determine how to live out a more true, ethical and identifiable faith in Jesus Christ. That he lived, that we worshipped God and that he saved the lost. Today we have to reconcile ourselves, other and return back to God.

In order to make better decisions, to follow Christ and be his hands and feet we must start with our perspective. Firstly, make your requests for Christmas Prayer requests, not Present requests. Secondly, focus your Christmas presents gift giving on the gift of being with the ones you love, present, available and seeking to spend intentional time with them. Finally, we must offer the opportunity for others to find salvation in Jesus Christ. Simply by inviting them to Church, offering to pray for them in their time of need and offer the opportunity to meet with them to regularly to read the Bible and pray. Let us together declare that Jesus trully is the Prince of Peace to our worlds this November!

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