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Free & Fit Challenge 2018 Boldness and Lenten Series Update

February has been a busy month for Free & Fit in London, New York and New Jersey. We have started new events and initiatives in the theme of this months theme: Boldness. 

Boldness is taken from our scripture verse for this Winter; 1 Chronicles 28:20 "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.”

I myself have embarked upon a new bold activity by starting a series of forty workouts across the forty days of Lent. I will be reading the Chapter 12 of Romans each day, sharing a verse and completing a workout. You can follow my progress as Free and Fit NYC @freeandfitnyc on Instagram or Twitter. Pictures of some of these workouts can be seen below. 

Why not join me? Start by doing your own Workout and sharing your own interpretation of this series of Romans 12. I exercise everyday suggesting a workout and verse of scripture to follow with a weekly group exercise class happening every Tuesday at the Gem Hotel Chelsea. Details of the workout and verse can be found on our Twitter account by clicking F&F NYC .  

After launching our new youth project in the Northern Valley of New Jersey we have started fundraising for new initiatives, partnerships and events for our wonderful youth group. Thanks to all of our wonderful friends and family we raised a grand total of $1920 for our February month of giving, thank you to all of you who have given. 

We will be using this money to set up a Summer Camp in July to implement our Core Mission of Reducing Loneliness through Sports, the Arts, Social Justice and Service with projects partnering with the Centre for Food Action, Athletes in Action and other not for profit and social enterprises.

We would love if you would consider partnering with us this month and if you would help supporting us through this bold initiative to raise $60,000 for June 30th. We would love specifically if you could pray for our venue partners, volunteers, opportunities to build and grow new ministry partners, to make and recieve successful grant applications, sustain and see growth in our youth group (in size and relationship) and of course to meet our fundraising target for March. We are specifically looking to fundraise $5,000 for a two or three day Soccer Camp for Middle Schoolers, our Spring Alpha Weekend Away for our Senior High Students and a one Week Retreat to allow the Students of our Senior High group some Silence and Solitude in either one of the following two beautiful locations. 

Number one is Taize in France at their International Youth Summer Events. A stay in Taizé can help the youth to step back from daily life, to meet a wide variety of people and consider one’s commitment in the Church and in society. 

Alternatively we could partner with the Episcopal Church in Navajoland which was created out of the Episcopal dioceses of Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona during a transitional period of 1977 to 1987 to better unify the area in respect to Navajo language, culture, families, and area events. Another beautiful setting for a Youth Retreat. 

As we move forward we look forward to figuring out new ways we can partner with Schools, Churches, Hotels, Sports Centres, Art and Media Venues, Social Justice and other Service based Not For Profit and Social Enterprises.

You can give to our Youth Project by clicking on our page at Fundly

Personal Website: Free & Fit Website: Youtube: Facebook: Twitter&Instagram: @freeandfitnyc Email: 

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