Free & Fit NYC - Movement and Meditation - Moving In Such a Time as This
Free & Fit NYC - Movement and Meditation - Moving in Such a Time As This

Whilst we reflect, respond and come to terms with our new way of life it takes us into new places; spiritual depths and dreaming about landscapes and horizons which we could not have imagined only a week ago. The term pandemic is on the end of every bodies tongue and we simply cannot avoid the news, despite how much we may try. I myself in the past week have lost ninety percent of my employment, have temporarily relocated into my in-law's house and face the reality if my wife and I can sustain paying rent in our flat in Hoboken. I am re-assured by Christs promise that through our weakness, his strength is made perfect in weakness. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
The realities of this new era challenge us financially, mentally, physically, spiritually and socially in ways which we struggle to navigate and struggle to focus much more than just remaining safe and healthy. Be assured at this time I am praying for all the communities that I live, serve and aware of including national, international and local groups I am a part of and receiving prayer for which I am eternally grateful. In response, we plan this coming week to start a new morning devotional of movement and meditation “Certainly, we live, move, and exist because of him. As some of your poets have said, 'We are God's children.' (Gods WORD translation) Acts 17:28).”
Movement is a new educational tool that schools, and adult learning institutions have been using whilst developing physical activity with individual and group exercise sessions. However, when using scripture, prayer and meditation the process of movement becomes slower, more intentional, routine and sometimes more Spiritual in line with the music or worship songs and meditations or reflections that are being used for the session.
At Free & Fit we have often used High Intensity Interval Training, Fartlek Training, walking, Jogging, Running and even more different classes in recreational sports such as Badminton, Tennis, Soccer, Olympics and other sports. We move to live and have our being; the Lord created our bodies and he enables us to honor him through the process of releasing endorphins and perspirations whilst taking part in physical activity. It is my hope that by providing meditation and movement classes people will be able to stay home, stay healthy and receive the word of God through new, informed and insightful ways. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10 “New International Version (NIV).”
This new exercise of movement and meditation for Free and Fit will be offered via a video platform, via Facebook Live, has allowed me already to personally project, speak and to tune in with friends from all backgrounds, faiths, traditions, nationalities and tribes. In this time of the new digital era that we live in right now our impact, range, audience and reach is further than before. As part of the voluntary project I co-ordinate in New York for Free & Fit we are hoping to meet some of those evident spiritual needs.
Free and Fit's mission is to build community through Sports, the Arts, Service and Outreach. This month we are offering free morning devotionals throughout March and group and solo sessions for 45 minutes. My plan is to shine my light brightly where and when I can through offering free Sports and Spirituality sessions. 14 And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, 15 and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so. (Genesis 1:14-15.Amplified)
In conclusion, I would like to leave you with the words of Paul as he speaks to the Church in Philippi and I ask that you may stretch, walk, jog, run or simply travel up and down stairs with this scripture so you can benefit from both the process of reading, reciting, reflecting and remembering these verses for the days ahead. May Gods peace shine down on you and enrich every area of your family, mind, body and spirit.
Blessings and Prayers Tim.
Philippians 4:8-9 New Living Translation (NLT)
8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me—everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
I am offering free trial 45-minute sessions of Sports & Spirituality Coaching for Adults and Children. K-12 and all age groups.
Book an Appointment with Free And Fit NYC for Free here:
Please go ahead and book a slot for our next time together. Thank you for reading and I hope your doing well. As we are saying to each other now stay safe, stay home and stay healthy!
About the Free & Fit Challenge The Free and Fit course has been created to build strong social skills, charge healthy physical bodies and to instill a well-balanced and sound mind. Participants who complete the full course over 12 sessions will learn how to work effectively with their team members to build strong values of power, love, and self-discipline. Free & Fit Mission To reduce loneliness through Sports, the Arts, Social Justice and Service. Free & Fit Vision The vision of free and fit course is to engage, motivate, improve and hence find freedom in a physical and spiritual state. As such the freedom that leads to a peaceful heart; leads to a healthy body. The course is built upon the core value of learning together to be disciplined and motivated in our faith as well as our fitness. Free & Fit Website:
Youtube: Facebook: Twitter&Instagram: @freeandfitnyc Email: Freedom // Fitness // Fellowship Free & Fit Challenge © Copyright 2020 Free & Fit NYC/NJ © Copyright 2020 Free & Fit London © Copyright 2020